Socket Preservation Therapy Delhi India
With the advances in the restorative dentistry, planning for tooth placement begins even before the tooth is extracted. The aim is to preserve the maximum amount of bone which can later be a deciding factor in the technique of replacement be it dental implant, dentures or bridges.
To preserve bone for future implant placement. Normally simultaneous implant placement along with implant placement is the preferred option. However where in this is not possible socket preservation therapy is used to preserve bone levels for future implant placement.
Good ridge height can help dentures to retain better
Aesthetics are better in a dental bridge if the ridge height is high in the region of the missing tooth.
Socket Preservation Procedure:
For socket preservation therapy, atraumatic extraction technique is needed. This involves little or no damage to socket walls and is achieved using special instruments as periotome and luxators. After tooth extraction, the socket is carefully debrided to remove any granulation tissue, tooth or bone pieces. The socket is then packed with artificial bone substitutes called as bone grafts and the mouth of the socket is sealed with a resorbable membrane to prevent the graft from spilling in the mouth. As the healing takes place, blood clot entangles into the bone graft and ultimately it is replaced by the natural bone.
If you too need an extraction for a decayed carious tooth, it is definitely beneficial to opt for socket preservation therapy. For more details, please contact Dr. Garg’s Multispecilaity Dental Centre, New Delhi.